Brain Tumours

The Department will periodically contact patients waiting for an outpatient clinic appointment via SMS, with a link to an electronic form.  This is part of routine waitlist auditing to ensure patient details are up to date.  If you receive this SMS, please update your details.


North South North West Statewide

Pre-referral work-up


Includes all brain tumours including meningioma, skull base tumours and pituitary tumours.

All referrals should comply to referral standards and include in particular:

  • Family history
  • Current state including presence or absence of symptoms
  • Past history especially if this is a recurrence and of past cancer treatments
  • Height, weight and BMI


  • CT scan
  • MRI if available (otherwise performed at the RHH)
  • Hormone levels including prolactin if suspected pituitary tumour
  • Visual fields for suprasellar lesions

If prolactinoma is confirmed (ie Prolactin level >2000iU) refer to Endocrinology department.

Interim/GP management

To refer a patient with this condition, please see the Neurosurgery clinic page for the full referral process and templates.

The RHH has a team approach to the management of CNS cancer which includes access to:

  • Neuro-oncology
  • Neurology
  • Neuro-psychology
  • Epilepsy clinic
  • Radiotherapy
  • Persistent Pain Unit
  • Rehabilitation
  • Palliative Care Service

For more information please see the Tasmanian Health Pathways website.


Benign or malignant tumours associated with midline shift, hydrocephalus or severe deficits

Urgent / category 1

Most malignant intracranial tumours (high grade glioma, metastasis)

Generally most benign intracranial tumours with minimal or stable deficits

Red flags are clinical indicators of possible serious underlying conditions requiring further medical intervention. They may or may not indicate an emergency.


Proceed to Emergency Department (ED).
LGH ED Reception  – Phone: (03) 6777 6405  Fax: (03) 6777 5201
MCH ED* – Phone: (03) 6478 5120  Fax: (03) 6441 5923
NWRH ED* – Phone: (03) 6493 6351 Fax: (03) 6464 1926
RHH ED Reception – Phone: (03) 6166 6100  Fax: (03) 6173 0489. Phone the Neurosurgery Registrar on call via Switch (03) 6166 8308 and/or send to RHH DEM

Advice for medical practitioners can be given by the Medical Officer In Charge (MOIC) - see HealthPathways Tasmania for contact information.
*MCH and NWRH MOICs request GPs call them prior to referring a patient to ensure the patient is being sent appropriately to a safe destination.


Urgent cases must be discussed with the Neurosurgery Registrar on call to obtain appropriate prioritisation and a referral faxed to (03) 6173 0491

We will endeavour to see these patients within 30 days, or sooner if clinically indicated.


We will endeavour to see these patients within 90 days, or sooner if clinically indicated.


Next available appointment. We will endeavour to see these patients within 365 days.